
How to Choose Direct Driven Air Compressors

Posted by Admin
Compared to the belt-driven air compressors, direct drive air compressors are more energy efficient, compact, lightweight and easy to use. These are ideal for professionals who use air compressors frequently. It is also cheaper to operate and maintain.
Belt drive air compressors are more expensive than direct drive air compressors. Despite their price, they are preferred for their versatility, noise reduction, ease of maintenance and increased power.
It is also important to determine the number of cubic feet per minute (CFM) that the air compressor can produce. This should be compared to the CFM that the tools that the compressor will be used for will produce. The type of compressor that you choose should meet your business' needs and budget.
You can also consider whether the air compressor will be used on a constant or intermittent basis. If you will only be using it for occasional work, a belt drive compressor may be a good choice. However, if you will use it for a long period of time without fatigue, a direct drive compressor may be a better choice.
It is also important to consider the type of oil that the air compressor will be using. If it will be used for extreme temperatures, experts recommend synthetic oil. The type of oil that the compressor uses will affect how often the oil needs to be replaced.
It is also important to choose the tank size. Tank size should be based on your intended use. The larger the tank, the less strain on the motor. The tank should be able to hold enough air for the duration of a constant use.